Sex Addiction Supervision

Sex Addiction Supervision

In all areas of therapy, how we meet the client, where they are, and how to begin, we thankfully have so much support from the theories we have trained in. My training in sexual addictions and compulsivity was excellent, the ongoing research, the ICD-11 from WHO and the new research coming through which continually supports the foundations I trained in.

Throughout the development process, the templates used to help clients recover ensures best practice continues.

Supporting supervisees through their training to practice is not only essential for them but also assists a therapist like me by integrating theory into an integrative framework, and this can be the cornerstone of good supervision. The understanding of how to challenge behaviour, what behaviour is out of control and what is causing harm to the client and others keeps us working toward the clients’ outcomes. Specifically relating to sex addiction supervision, staying within the clients’ sexual template assists with managing any out-of-control behaviour and how that affects their relationships.

For those studying for a Diploma in Working with Compulsive Sexual Behaviour Disorder and Sex Addiction or similar, sex addiction supervision (with support through the diploma) is an essential part of the process. This builds the structure of how the process is used in support of the client. Supervising and support with sexual dysfunctions which may be causing distress to the client are introduced throughout their therapy so having a fundamental understanding of this from a supervisee’s perspective provides invaluable help in assisting the client moving forward. Support in supervision with relational dynamics for the client with what clients bring. Support for supervisees with some of the challenges which may come is where a good supervisor can excel and ultimately allow them to become excellent counsellors.

A final thought here is that it’s always good to remember that working with addictions can be difficult when challenged with secondary trauma and vicarious trauma. Again, excellent support within supervision for the supervisee is essential.

For further information on Sex Addiction Supervision please get in touch…

Need a Sex Addiction Supervisor?

Contact me in confidence here or call me on 07881 532524