Psychosexual Therapy

I chose to specialise in Psychosexual Therapy or sex therapy. Psychosexual therapy is focused on sexual dysfunctions and sexual intimacy. Either with individuals or with both partners present.

For some sexual problems may be minor and temporary, perhaps linked to more recent experiences.

For other sexual problems will have been around for some time.



What is Psychosexual or Sex therapy?

As a qualified psychosexual therapist, I am specifically trained to deal with different types of sexual problems, which may vary in severity and complexity. For some sexual problems may be minor and temporary, perhaps linked to more recent experiences. For others sexual problems will have been around for some time. Psychosexual therapy begins by helping people to talk openly about their sexual feelings and concerns at a pace that isn’t difficult or embarrassing. It can be an opportunity to talk about issues in a safe place, exploring specific sexual issues, sexual dysfunctions and sexual needs – in order to help gain a better understanding and work on better ways of doing things.

Psychosexual therapy covers:

  • Loss of sexual desire. Perhaps through, sexual boredom, stress, health or being a new parent, people can experience a loss of desire and interest for sex.
  • Painful intercourse. Also called Dyspareunia. It is a general term used to describe all types of sexual pain. It can affect men but is more common in women. Sexual pain may occur upon penetration, during intercourse, and/or following intercourse.
  • Difficulties with orgasm i.e. anorgasmia. When you can’t reach orgasm through any form of stimulation.
  • Erectile dysfunction. The inability to achieve or maintain an erection that is sufficient for satisfactory sexual intercourse.
  • Prematureejaculation. This occurs when orgasm is achieved soon after, or even before, putting your penis inside your partner. There is primarily a feeling of having no control when ejaculation happens.
  • Delayed ejaculation. This occurs when it takes an extended period of sexual stimulation for a man to reach sexual climax and ejaculate. Some men with delayed ejaculation are unable to ejaculate at all.
  • Retrograde ejaculation. This occurs when semen, which would, in most cases, be ejaculated via the urethra, is redirected to the urinary bladder. This can occur post surgery and the stresses with what is also called a dry ejaculation.
  • Anejaculation. The inability to ejaculate semen despite stimulation of the penis by intercourse or masturbation. The causes can be psychological or physical and anejaculation can be situational or total.
  • Sexual difficulties following abuse. Psychosexual therapy works with embedded trauma.
  • General breakdown in a couple’s relationship. Through exploring intimacy as in Physical, Relational, intellectual, sexual and emotional, sex therapy can help re-establish communication and intimacy through the engagement in therapy. This may help address different sex drives in partners.
  • Not being able to achieve penetrative sex. Also known as Vaginismus. Caused when the vaginal muscles uncontrollably contract and tighten; a spasm response caused in anticipation of pain.
  • Vulva or pelvic pain/anxiety on penetration related to the above, also known as genital-pelvic pain/penetration disorder (GPPP).
  • Fear of sex/ avoidance of sex
  • Menopause
  • Postnatal sex
  • Sexuality and illness/post-surgery. This is not limited to the impact and effects from mastectomy and prostate cancer. More and more feedback from Prostate cancer and The British Association for Urological Nursing shows that conversations alongside treatment can benefit individuals and partners later on in psychosexual therapy.
  • Poor body image relating to intimacy. More research being conducted in this area supports what psychosexual therapy addresses; thoughts feelings and emotions with body image.

Sex therapy can help people of all ages, sexual orientation and health and empowers individual and partners to deal with their sexual problems in a healthy way, to understand their sexual problems, express better sexual needs, desires and wants. Broadeningyour choices of sensual and sexual expression, providing you with the skills necessary for ongoing improvements to your sexual relationship.

Psychosexual therapy can also help people living with chronic illnesses or disabilities whom may be experiencing sexual problems as a result of their condition. Difficulty in sexual function and sensation can, through therapy, help people explore other means of sexual intimacy and sexual pleasure. 

Click here to see my “How we begin” section to understand how we begin the therapy process.

See my listing on the ATSAC website or contact me for further information.